Australia ADR certification services

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The new ADRs implementing Safety and performance requirements for zero-emission vehicles

On 31 October 2023, the Assistant Minister for Infrastructure and Transport, Senator the Hon Carol Brown, signed 3 new Australian Design Rules (ADRs) on zero-emission vehicle safety.

ADR 109

ADR 109/00 and 109/01 – Electric Power Train Safety Requirements are 2 new standards that mandate technical, safety and performance requirements for high voltage electrical components, such as the Rechargeable Electrical Energy Storage System (REESS) and traction motor operated by high voltage electric power that is not permanently connected to the grid. This includes their high voltage components and systems which are galvanically connected to the high voltage bus of the electric power train.

ADR 110

The new ADR 110/00 – Hydrogen-Fuelled Vehicle Safety Related Performance provides technical, safety and performance requirements for Compressed Hydrogen Storage Systems (CHSS) and their components.

Establishing these national road vehicle standards and aligning them with international standards (UN ECE) ensures the safest possible vehicles are available for the Australian community and on our roads.

Furthermore, ADRs 109/00 and 109/01 supports the Australian Government’s National Electric Vehicle (EV) Strategy in increasing the uptake of EVs to reduce our emissions and improve the wellbeing of Australians. ADR 110/00 supports the Australia’s National Hydrogen Strategy to long-term emissions reductions and a viable alternative fuel source.

Applicability of ADRs
ADR 109 – Electric Power Train Safety Requirements
ADR 109/00 will apply from 1 November 2024 for all new model vehicles and from 1 November 2025 for all vehicles.
ADR 109/01 will apply from 1 November 2025 for all new model vehicles and from 1 November 2028 for all vehicles.
Both ADRs will harmonise Australian requirements for MA, MB, MC, ME, NA, NB and NC category vehicles with international standard UN Regulation No. 100 respectively.

ADR 110 – Hydrogen-Fuelled Vehicle Safety Related Performance
ADR 110/00 will apply from 1 November 2024 for all new model vehicles and from 1 November 2026 for all vehicles.
This ADR will harmonise Australian requirements for MA, MB, MC, ME, NA, NB and NC category vehicles with international standard UN Regulation No. 134.

ADR 此次新增新能源车辆相关法规要求:主要涉及高压电池,氢燃料系统及储氢系统等新法规和要求。

New ADRs in the package:

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