Australia ADR certification services

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Safety technology and reform package to allow wider trucks

The new ADRs implementing additional safety features are primarily harmonised with international vehicle regulations developed by the United Nations, in line with existing practices and agreements of the Australian Government.

On 14 September 2023, the Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government, the Hon Catherine King MP, signed the Safer Freight Vehicles package. It includes 4 new Australian Design Rules (ADRs) and amendments to 6 existing ADRs to increase the width limit from 2,500 mm to 2,550 mm for trucks fitted with a package of safety features, and to exclude certain types of safety devices and sensors from vehicle width and length measurements.

Applicability of ADRs

All new ADRs, other than ADR 105/00, apply from 1 October 2023 to sub-category NB2 and category NC vehicles with an overall width exceeding 2,500 mm. ADR 105/00 applies to goods vehicles with a gross vehicle mass over 8 tonnes and with an overall width exceeding 2,500 mm from 1 November 2025 for new model vehicles, and from 1 February 2027 for all such wider vehicles. In addition, these sub-category NB2 and category NC vehicles, with an overall width exceeding 2,500 mm, will be required to comply with ADR 35/07, ADR 97/00, and have mandatory fitment of conspicuity markings in accordance with ADR 13/00.

Exceptions apply to some ADRs (or specific ADR requirements) in the case of prime movers, partially completed vehicles (for example, a chassis-cab), vehicles with 4 or more axles, vehicles designed for off-road use (as defined in the respective ADRs), and where the design and/or operational requirements are not compatible. Where a partially completed vehicle is not required to comply with a standard when entered on the Register of Approved Vehicles,  the completed vehicle may be required by a law of a state or territory to comply with the standard or any later version in force when the vehicle is completed for use in transport on public roads.

Vehicle type approval applications and approvals
New applications: Did you know that you can apply for sub-category NB2 and category NC vehicles with variants having overall width not exceeding 2,500 mm, as well as variants having overall width exceeding 2,500 mm (and up to 2,550 mm) in one vehicle type approval application? Your application will need to include all required ADRs. Only vehicles fitted with safety features that comply with the applicable ADRs in the Safer Freight Vehicles package can be added to the RAV with an ‘overall width’ greater than 2,500 mm. The updated guide to the RAV for vehicle type approval holders will include information about RAV entry requirements and will be available shortly.
Varying existing approvals: The ADR definitions amendment excluding safety devices from the ‘overall width’ measurement may result in some existing vehicle types granted approvals as ‘Substantially Compliant – in Minor and Inconsequential Respects’ now becoming standard vehicles. If this is the case, you should update the extent of compliance when you next vary your approval. You should review the updated ADR requirements before adding further vehicles to the RAV.

New ADRs in the package:

  • ADR 14/03 – Devices for Indirect Vision;
  • ADR 99/00 – Lane Departure Warning Systems;
  • ADR 105/00 – Blind Spot Information Systems; and
  • ADR 106/00 – Side Underrun Protection.

Amended ADRs in the package:

  • ADR – Definitions and Vehicle Categories;
  • ADR 13/00 – Installation of Lighting and Light Signalling Devices on other than L-Group Vehicles;
  • ADR 14/02 – Rear Vision Mirrors;
  • ADR 35/07 – Commercial Vehicle Brake Systems;
  • ADR 43/04 – Vehicle Configuration and Dimensions; and
  • ADR 97/00 – Advanced Emergency Braking for Omnibuses, and Medium and Heavy Goods Vehicles.

The package of new and amended ADRs were published on the Federal Register of Legislation on Thursday 28 September 2023 .

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